Blogger Widgets

How to Add Rainbow Effect For Link And Post Title

Usually when we moved our cursor to the post title, the color on the title will change. But the change is only one color. Therefore, I will teach you how to change the color into Rainbow Effect. So, if you want to learn it, just follow the steps below.

1. Log in to your blogger account
2. Go to Design>>>Edit HTML
3. Find this code : </head>
3. Then copy the code below

<script type='text/javascript'>


 var rate = 20;

 if (document.getElementById)
  window.onerror=new Function("return true")

 var objActive;  // The object which event occured in
  var act = 0;    // Flag during the action
  var elmH = 0;   // Hue
  var elmS = 128; // Saturation
  var elmV = 255; // Value
  var clrOrg;     // A color before the change
  var TimerID;    // Timer ID

 if (document.all) {
  document.onmouseover = doRainbowAnchor;
  document.onmouseout = stopRainbowAnchor;
  else if (document.getElementById) {
  document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEOVER | Event.MOUSEOUT);
  document.onmouseover = Mozilla_doRainbowAnchor;
  document.onmouseout = Mozilla_stopRainbowAnchor;

 function doRainbow(obj)
  if (act == 0) {
  act = 1;
  if (obj)
  objActive = obj;
  objActive = event.srcElement;
  clrOrg =;
  TimerID = setInterval("ChangeColor()",100);

 function stopRainbow()
  if (act) { = clrOrg;
  act = 0;

 function doRainbowAnchor()
  if (act == 0) {
  var obj = event.srcElement;
  while (obj.tagName != 'A' && obj.tagName != 'BODY') {
  obj = obj.parentElement;
  if (obj.tagName == 'A' || obj.tagName == 'BODY')

 if (obj.tagName == 'A' && obj.href != '') {
  objActive = obj;
  act = 1;
  clrOrg =;
  TimerID = setInterval("ChangeColor()",100);

 function stopRainbowAnchor()
  if (act) {
  if (objActive.tagName == 'A') { = clrOrg;
  act = 0;

 function Mozilla_doRainbowAnchor(e)
  if (act == 0) {
  obj =;
  while (obj.nodeName != 'A' && obj.nodeName != 'BODY') {
  obj = obj.parentNode;
  if (obj.nodeName == 'A' || obj.nodeName == 'BODY')

 if (obj.nodeName == 'A' && obj.href != '') {
  objActive = obj;
  act = 1;
  clrOrg =;
  TimerID = setInterval("ChangeColor()",100);

 function Mozilla_stopRainbowAnchor(e)
  if (act) {
  if (objActive.nodeName == 'A') { = clrOrg;
  act = 0;

 function ChangeColor()
  { = makeColor();

 function makeColor()
  // Don't you think Color Gamut to look like Rainbow?

 // HSVtoRGB
  if (elmS == 0) {
  elmR = elmV;    elmG = elmV;    elmB = elmV;
  else {
  t1 = elmV;
  t2 = (255 - elmS) * elmV / 255;
  t3 = elmH % 60;
  t3 = (t1 - t2) * t3 / 60;

 if (elmH < 60) {
  elmR = t1;  elmB = t2;  elmG = t2 + t3;
  else if (elmH < 120) {
  elmG = t1;  elmB = t2;  elmR = t1 - t3;
  else if (elmH < 180) {
  elmG = t1;  elmR = t2;  elmB = t2 + t3;
  else if (elmH < 240) {
  elmB = t1;  elmR = t2;  elmG = t1 - t3;
  else if (elmH < 300) {
  elmB = t1;  elmG = t2;  elmR = t2 + t3;
  else if (elmH < 360) {
  elmR = t1;  elmG = t2;  elmB = t1 - t3;
  else {
  elmR = 0;   elmG = 0;   elmB = 0;

 elmR = Math.floor(elmR).toString(16);
  elmG = Math.floor(elmG).toString(16);
  elmB = Math.floor(elmB).toString(16);
  if (elmR.length == 1)    elmR = "0" + elmR;
  if (elmG.length == 1)    elmG = "0" + elmG;
  if (elmB.length == 1)    elmB = "0" + elmB;

 elmH = elmH + rate;
  if (elmH >= 360)
  elmH = 0;

 return '#' + elmR + elmG + elmB;



7. And paste it above </head>
8. Save and try it
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